Channel polls

Modified 5 years ago

You can create polls to gather insights and collect opinions. Polls can be created in channels, and also in the feed for processes, projects, and cases. Any member of a flow can create a poll.

Creating a poll

  1. Click What do you want to say? You can add intro text before the poll if you want.
  2. Click Add Poll.
  3. Type your poll question and add options. To add more options, click +Add Options.
  4. To change the poll settings, click the Settings button ().
  5. Click Post when finished.

After posting, you can edit or delete your poll by clicking the More options button ().

Adding multiple polls to create a survey

You can create a survey by adding multiple polls on a single post. After completing your first poll, click Add Poll again and you can add another question. You can create an unlimited number of polls.

Configuring poll settings

To change the poll settings, click the Gear button () while creating a poll.

  • Allow multiple entries - This allows responders to select more than one poll option.
  • Add members to add options - This allows responders to add and edit the poll options.
  • Show results and voters - Enabling this will show the results of the poll publicly and who voted for which options.
  • Set deadline - This lets you set a date and time by which members must vote on the poll. After the deadline, no new entries are accepted.  

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