Aggregation field

Modified 4 years ago

The aggregation field can pull together data from many different fields. 


Aggregating table data

Aggregation fields are often used to show the relation of many entries in a table.

To connect to a table, check the box that says, Aggregate table data in the context of a single item of the process.

Then, under Choose a flow to look up, select the table in your form. Then select the field that you want to aggregate. 

Then, you can select the function. Some functions only work with certain field types.

Function name


Allowed field types


Displays the sum of all values 

Number, Currency,  Slider


Displays the number of values 

Any type


Displays the average of all values

Number, Currency, Rating, Slider


Combines two or more values together

Text, Text area, Dropdown


Displays the minimum value

Number, Currency, Date, Date & Time, Rating, Slider


Displays the maximum value

Number, Currency, Date, Date & Time, Rating, Slider

Aggregation field types

Aggregation fields are automatically assigned a field type based on the data they evaluate. 

  • SUM and AVERAGE are either Number or Currency.
  • COUNT are Number.
  • CONCATENATE are Text.
  • MIN and MAX match the field type they evaluate. Rating and slider fields are converted to Numbers. 

Aggregating data from other flows

If you uncheck the box that says Aggregate table data in the context of a single item of the process, you can select any flow in your Kissflow account. You can choose another process, project, or dataset. Choose the field and then the type of aggregation


You can apply filters in order to restrict the values used in the aggregation. 

Use case

Let’s look at the example of a Time off request

Let’s say you have a table called Leave Details and ask users to add individual dates they will be gone. These are calculated as a number field called Leave duration. You want to display the sum of all the days requested from the table. 

  • Create an aggregation field called Total leave days
  • Check the field Aggregate table data in the context of a single item of the process
  • Under Choose a flow to look up, select the table that has your leave information, in this case Leave Details
  • Under Select a field, select Leave duration.
  • Under Aggregation type, choose Sum

 Live forms

Aggregation fields from table fields update automatically when data is entered or edited into the form. 

However, if you are pulling data from other datasets, processes, or projects, the value in the aggregation data is static after it is gathered the first time. If you want the value to refresh at certain steps, learn more how to refresh your aggregation fields.

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