Creating a chart
Charts can be used to display process data graphically.
Creating a chart
- To create a chart, click the Reports button at the top right of the process page.
- Click Create New Report and then choose Chart.
- Provide a name for the report and click Create.
Chart types
There are ten types of charts you can use in your reports: auto, area stacked, area, horizontal bars, vertical bars, combo, doughnut, line, pie, and bubble.
Select Auto when you’re unsure what type of chart to choose and Kissflow will create the best one for you.
Area chart functions similar to a line chart, but with the areas below the lines filled in. You can use this chart to show how values develop over time.
Area stacked chart is basically a multiple area chart. It can be used instead of a line graph with multiple graphs to compare development or trend over time.
Horizontal bar charts are used to avoid clutter when one data label is long or if you have more than 10 items to compare. This type of visualization can also be used to display negative numbers.
Vertical bar charts are used to show a comparison among different items, or it can show a comparison of items over time.
Line charts are used to show the change of data over a period of time. The y-axis always displays the number and the x-axis displays the variable.
Combo charts are a combination of charts like bar and line charts.
Doughnut charts are meant to express a "part-to-whole" relationship, where all pieces together represent 100%.
Pie charts are similar, but with the middle filled in.
Bubble charts are multivariable and show relationships between numeric variables. Data points are replaced as bubbles.
Choosing fields
To configure the chart, start by choosing the fields you want to display.
There are three types of fields to choose from on the left side of the screen.
- Process fields. These are fields you created on your form and are unique only to this process.
- System fields. These are system-generated fields that are created for every process in Kissflow.
- Name - The unique Item name given to each item
- Created by - The user who created the item
- Modified by - The user who last modified the item
- Created at - The time the item was created as a draft
- Modified at - The time the form was last modified
- Flow name - The name of the flow
- Current step - The step the item is in
- Currently assigned to - The user currently assigned to the step; this field will be empty if the workflow is completed
- Status - The status of an item
- Workflow fields. These are the steps you created in your workflow. The field will display when a step was completed, who completed it, the current status, and if the deadline was crossed.
You can choose an unlimited number of fields for your chart. You will see a sample set of 10 items in the chart preview.
- Dimension is the main field you want to use to compare data. For graphical charts, it will be the x-axis.
- Measure is the other field(s) you want to use to compare data. This is the y-axis in graphical charts. You can display multiple measures in the same chart.
- Legend refers to the area in the chart describing each of the parts of the chart and will be visible only in auto, horizontal, and vertical charts.
Scale type
There are two types of scale types:
- Linear scales are the default scale type and show the scale in equal increments.
- Log (Logarithmic) scales show the increment in multiples of the previous one, such as double, or ten times its size.
You can choose which labels you want to display on your chart.
- X-axis is horizontal on most charts except for horizontal bar charts, where the x-axis is vertical.
- Y-axis is vertical on charts except for horizontal bar charts, where the Y axis is horizontal.
- Data labels display the information on the line item or bar. Hover over on the chart the view the label will be displayed.
- Legends are explanations of the symbols used in the chart. It is located on the top-left of the chart.
You can add filters based on a condition in your chart.To add a filter to your report, click the Create Filter button. Choose the field that you want to based on your filter and then enter the conditions.
Click Test Filter to see how your filter would affect the sample report data.
Click +Add Condition to add more conditions to the same field. The new condition can be either AND (all conditions must be met) or OR (any one condition must be met).
Click Add Another Filter to add conditions based on another field. Report data must match all the filters you create. To remove a filter, click the Delete button. To remove a single condition, click the X symbol next to the condition you want to remove.
Chart actions
Once you have configured your chart you can view, edit and share it.
- Edit (
). Click the edit button to make changes to the chart. Click Done to save the changes.
If you share a report with someone, they can view the chart but not edit it.